The University of Luxembourg in collaboration with the public research centres LIST and LISER launched the Doctoral Training Unit (DTU) on Data-driven Computational Modelling and Applications (DRIVEN) in September 2018. With a budget of 3.4 million euros over six years, this pioneering programme will train a new generation of early-stage researchers with the required knowledge and skills to tackle complex data-intensive problems in all sectors of the economy. Funded by the Luxembourg National Research Fund (FNR), the DTU DRIVEN will enrich Luxembourg’s socio-economic landscape by strengthening the data-driven approach and increasing the impact of scientific areas highly relevant to the country‘s economy and society.
DTU DRIVEN started on 01 September 2018. DRIVENs PIs assembled for a kick-off event on 26 September 2018, enthusiastically looking forward to the recruitment of the first cohort of high-potential doctoral candidates and the coming training and research activities.
- Website University of Luxembourg: “Training high level data researchers of tomorrow in Luxembourg“, 4 10 2018
- Website LISER: “Collaboration to develop data-driven and machine learning capacities“, 4 10 2018
- Driven est lancé_Le Quotidien_05 10 2018
- Chercheurs de nouvelle génération_L’Essentiel_05 10 2018
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