Upcoming PhD defence: Fateme Darlik

Fateme DARLIK will defend her PhD thesis Physically-informed Neural Networks to Represent Motion of Granular Material on Thursday, 29 June 2023, 13h00-16h00, Campus Belval in room MNO.1010. The growing importance of renewable energy sources, particularly biomass, in mitigating climate change has led to increased research and development in this field. Biomass combustion chambers play a crucial role … Continued

Upcoming PhD defence: Ninghan Chen

Ninghan CHEN will defend her PhD thesis Decoding the Real World : Tackling Virtual Ethnographic Challenges through Data-Driven Methods on Tuesday, 27 June 2023, 14h00-17h00, Campus Belval in room MNO.1010. As the Internet has become an integral part of our daily lives, the virtual world, particularly online social networks (OSNs), have evolved into crucial platforms for learning … Continued

DTU DRIVEN Annual Meeting 2023

DTU DRIVEN met on 21 June 2023 for its Annual Meeting, including a Research Colloquium with our doctoral researchers and PIs and the DTU General Assembly. All active PhD students presented the progress of their application-driven research projects, which were intensively discussed with the attendees. Everyone was – again – impressed by the variety of … Continued