On 11-12 September 2019 the EU H2020 Twinning project DRIVEN organised its 2nd Workshop on Data-driven Simulations at the Belval Campus of the University of Luxembourg. The team around TWINNING main PI Prof. Stéphane Bordas had several leading experts present from the three TWINNING Partners (ICES Texas, Limerick and Inria), including neuro and orthopaedic surgeons from Oxford, Luxembourg and France.
In the context of many fascinating data-driven application examples, including talks by DTU DRIVEN PIs Prof. Alexander Skupin (UL/LCSB) and Prof. Claus Vögele (UL/FLSHASE), the general research and training concept of the FNR-funded DTU DRIVEN was presented to the international audience by DTU coordinator Prof. Andreas Zilian (UL/FSTC).