Upcoming PhD defence: Ninghan Chen

Ninghan CHEN will defend her PhD thesis Decoding the Real World : Tackling Virtual Ethnographic Challenges through Data-Driven Methods on Tuesday, 27 June 2023, 14h00-17h00, Campus Belval in room MNO.1010. As the Internet has become an integral part of our daily lives, the virtual world, particularly online social networks (OSNs), have evolved into crucial platforms for learning … Continued

DTU DRIVEN Annual Meeting 2023

DTU DRIVEN met on 21 June 2023 for its Annual Meeting, including a Research Colloquium with our doctoral researchers and PIs and the DTU General Assembly. All active PhD students presented the progress of their application-driven research projects, which were intensively discussed with the attendees. Everyone was – again – impressed by the variety of … Continued

Training: NgSolve framework

Between 02-04 May 2023 Dr. Michael Neunteufel (TU Vienna) demonstrated the capabilities of the finite element framework NetGen/NgSolve, developed by the team of Prof. Joachim Schöberl at Technische Universität Wien. The sessions covered many different application areas, hands-on examples and provided the ground for extensive further discussions ranging from nonlinear shell theory to automated code … Continued

TALK: Bibliometrics and Research Evaluation

INVITED TALK given by Prof. Vincent Larivière (University of Montreal) March 31st (Friday), 10:00-12:00 am, Belval Campus MSA 4.530 Since the creation the Science Citation Index in the 1960s, research indicators have become ubiquitous. They are profusely used by universities, policymakers and even researchers for evaluation purposes—often without having a clear idea of what is … Continued

Upcoming PhD defence: Diego Kozlowski

Diego KOZLOWSKI will defend his PhD thesis Topics and institutions in the reproduction of intersectional inequalities in science on Friday, 31 March 2023, 14h00-17h00, Campus Belval in room MSA.3160. This thesis is devoted to the study of race and gender inequalities in topics and impact of US-based researchers. Using a large-scale database with more than … Continued